As the world becomes increasingly digital, information technology (IT) services are expanding to meet businesses' growing needs. Here are some of the most common IT services that businesses today need.

Technical Support

When an IT service provider takes over a business's computer, network and software administration, the service provider becomes an all-purpose help desk. They provide technical support for hardware, connectivity, and program issues, and especially for compatibility issues.

While businesses occasionally still have to contact a computer manufacturer or software developer directly (or have their IT service contact the manufacturer/developer), an IT service provider is able to answer most questions in a faster time frame. The provider is familiar with everything that's in place, and how it all works together.

Website and Email Administration

Almost all businesses today need their own website, and many have email addresses that share the domain name of their website. The administrative work required involves both setting up a website and email addresses, and also monitoring them for updates and issues.

An IT service provider will take care of both setup and administration for these. Having a service provider attend to both a business's website and email addresses makes sense, because the email addresses are connected to the website.

Hardware Selection and Service

The hardware that a business uses must be periodically upgraded, in order to maintain performance and stay compatible with the latest programs. The need to upgrade applies to computers, servers, printers, scanners, and all other hardware (including fax machines for businesses that still use them).

Most businesses that aren't in the technology space don't know what the best hardware to purchase is, or when exactly hardware should be upgraded. An IT service provider will be familiar with the latest offerings, and able to make recommendations based on a business's performance needs and budget.

Network Security

Online attacks and phishing attempts are only becoming more frequent, and a single successful attempt could be devastating for a business. Incidents can lead to lost data and/or compromised personal information, the latter of which can have costly expenses associated with mitigating individuals' risk of identity theft.

An IT service provider will regularly update a network, and ensure it's as secure as possible. They also can provide regular training on how employees might identify and avoid phishing attempts. 

In some cases, a service provider might even take on the liability risk of a successful attack or attempt. Look into IT solutions near you for more information.
