Did you know there are 7,139 languages globally today? And you can expect that number to increase as more is discovered. Now, suppose you have software that needs to have as many users as possible from diverse regions. In that case, you must ensure it conforms to the target users' linguistic trends and culture. The best way to achieve this is through software localization. Keep reading to discover more concerning this massive boon for developers and why it's essential.

What is Software Localization?

Software localization means adapting specific software to a local market, which helps in conforming with specific cultural, political, linguistic, and legal requirements and preferences. Therefore, for instance, if you are developing software tailored for the tech market in China, software localization helps you translate it from English to Chinese so the end-users can understand and use it with relative ease. This phenomenon also covers UX (user experience) and design changes to make the software look and feel more natural to the targeted end-user.

Why is Software Localization Necessary?

As a developer, software localization helps you achieve the following:

1. Reach a wider audience

Making your software available in diverse languages is one of the foolproof ways of penetrating a new market and reaching out to its users. And, as your end-users increase, the profit margins improve, and your brand's position in the global and local markets strengthens exponentially. Besides, it's easier to convince new users to try new software in their native language.

2. Provide easy-to-understand products

It's much easier for end-users to fully understand and interact with all aspects of your software when the text displayed is in a language they comprehend. That consequently improves their chances of using the product correctly and discovering more functionalities they can exploit. Otherwise, if messages, navigation buttons, commands, menu lists, and notifications are in a foreign language, the targeted group is likely to miss the benefits of fully exploiting your products and services.

3. Cut support expenses

According to recent statistics, SaaS (software as a service) companies currently spend 11% of their annual recurring revenue on customer success and support services. That is an incredible figure that you can lower to improve your profit margins. Software localization helps you achieve that end by boosting your product's readability. That way, you spend less money building a support team tailored to help end-users understand and navigate the software.

The Bottom Line

Software localization is an intricate process that involves creating complex strings. And the task is made more daunting because many people worldwide speak thousands of different languages. Don't forget that some dialects are read vertically and others from right to left. Fortunately, you can save yourself the headache of dealing with all these complications by hiring skilled and experienced software localization engineers. 

To know more about software localization, contact a company that provicdes Computer Services near you
